Sunday, May 6, 2012

Words and Duct Tape

Hello There,
I hope you are doing well....I have been thinking about something that I wanted to a world that can be difficult and harsh....we don't live in candy land where everything is perfect and everyone get's along with everyone else...We live in a real world with people....We all have circumstances that we face each day in very different ways...We are all on this journey....

I have been thinking a lot about duct's a wonderful and useful tool....and very strong....and would probably stick well over my mouth if needed...and now it comes it so many designs and colors that it would co-ordinate with any outfit I wear....when I am in a difficult moment where I have to release my words....duct tape comes to mind and I remember my motto...

I live by this motto:  "If you don't have anything nice, encouraging or kind to "SAY" then don't  "SAY" anything !!!"

We are not to judge other people....We are to examine ourselves and adjust ourselves as needed....and We are to be kind....Words are loud...Words are weapons....Words are's your choice how you use your words.....

Always Remember to be kind....Life is Good...and You are Needed...


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